My take on this Italian classic doesn’t do without baking this time. What remains, however, is the great combination of the flavours of mascarpone cream, coffee and cocoa in this extremely delicious tiramissu cake. The baked base is especially appreciated when slicing, which is extremely simple and easy to serve without damaging the shape (as is often the case with classic tiramissu). A great chilled dessert for guests.
Ingredients dough
- 1 cup (1 cup – 250ml) granulated sugar
- ½ cup room temperature butter
- ½ cup cocoa powder
- 1 cup plain flour
- pinch of salt
- 2tsp baking powder
- 1 vanilla sugar
- 2 eggs
other ingredients:
- 10pcs long biscuits
- 200ml strong espresso or coffee
- 200g mascarpone cream
- 150ml whipped cream
- 1 cream thickener
- 100g icing sugar
- 4-5tsp cocoa
- Preheat the oven to 160C.
- Beat the eggs with the sugar and butter until smooth and a lump-free dough forms.
- Add the flour, baking powder, salt, cocoa and vanilla sugar and mix well.
- Place the dough in a covered bowl and let rest either ½ hour in the refrigerator or 10 min. in the freezer.
- Roll out the dough between 2 baking sheets, remove the bottom paper and fold the dough into the greased cake tin.
- Remove the other paper and spread the dough evenly in the cake tin (22 or 24cm is optimal).
- Then bake the dough in the oven at 180⁰C approx. 30 minutes. After baking, leave to cool completely. Place a pastry hoop around it.
- Then whip the cream with the thickener until stiff. Add the mascarpone and icing sugar.
- Sprinkle a little coffee over the dough, which has cooled in the meantime. Pour the remaining coffee into a bowl.
- Pour 1/2 of the filling over the ciabatta and spread until smooth.
- Next, dip each long biscuit first briefly in the coffee and then place on top of the mascarpone filling. Place the biscuits so that they are close together and cover the entire surface of the cake tin.
- Spread the remaining filling on top and align again.
- Sprinkle the top of the cake generously with the cocoa we put in the sieve.
- It is best to let the cake rest in the fridge overnight. Then remove the pastry hoop and serve.
Kde ma nájdete na sociálnych sieťach
Baked tiramissu cake
My take on this Italian classic doesn’t do without baking this time. What remains, however, is the great combination of the flavours of mascarpone cream, coffee and cocoa in this extremely delicious tiramissu cake. The baked base is especially appreciated when slicing, which is extremely simple and easy to serve […]
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